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Preferred library: Greenwood Public Library? Results 1 - 10 of 10 (page 1 of 1)
Odyssey of the west, part ii [electronic resource] : A classic education through the great books: from athens to rome and the gospels. Shutt Timothy B.
Hebrews, greeks and romans [electronic resource] : Foundations of western civilization. Shutt Timothy B.
High seas, high stakes [electronic resource] : Naval battles that changed history. Shutt Timothy B.
Masterpieces of medieval literature [electronic resource]. Shutt Timothy B.
Take me out to the ballgame [electronic resource] : A history of baseball in america. Shutt Timothy B.
Odyssey of the west, part v [electronic resource] : Enlightenment, revolution, and renewal. Shutt Timothy B.
Odyssey of the west, part i [electronic resource] : A classic education through the great books: hebrews and greeks. Shutt Timothy B.
Odyssey of the west, part vi [electronic resource] : The twentieth century. Shutt Timothy B.
Odyssey of the west, part iii [electronic resource] : A classic education through the great books: the medieval world. Shutt Timothy B.
Dante and his divine comedy [electronic resource]. Shutt Timothy B.

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